Friday, July 14, 2006


Is it a compulsion? Is it the driving force? Is it the meaning of life? I am constantly wrestling with this in my mind. Apparently from the abundance of materials blatantly promoting it on television, in movies, in magazines, on billboards, in newspaper ads, on your Vcast phone, and in any other media I have neglected to mention. From the subtle, like a woman wearing a shirt with the top couple of buttons undone showing that hint of cleavage, to the blatant, like unsolicited pics of some guy's dick that he emails you because he knows it turns you on.
Face it folks, right after puberty sets in, you are done for. Our makers, (Zeus, God, Jesus, Allah, The Force, Vishnu, Buddha, Fred, Mattel, whomever you believe created us) encoded this built-in software on our DNA (dioxyribonucleic acid) that makes us want to engage in sexual intercourse, they even rewarded us with that nifty little dopamine kick at the end, commonly referred to as orgasm. How thoughtful of our creators eh?
But again, the TIME factor must be considered. Does sex occupy your thoughts constantly? Does it cloud your judgement? Do you control it or does it control you? Is it the light at the end of your tunnel?
I find SEX quite the pleasant diversion. Come on folks, spill (yes, pun intended) give me the 411 on your libidinous meanderings, they don't have to be (porno) graphic; what I'm really more concerned with is where SEX is on your hierarchy of what motivates your being. Mmmmkay?

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